Barn Bridge “Project Call 017” Highlights
4 min readMay 14, 2021
Today the BarnBridge Team had their Community Call 017. I know it can be hard to keep up with all the updates and videos of all of your favorite crypto related projects, so I decided to create a brief overview of the call. If you would like more information on one of the topics discussed, I have included timestamps and linked the video below.
Development (0:00- 2:39)
- The Yield Farming feature is not yet released. This delay is due to the team making the feature more robust and cleaner than originally intended.
- There will be a public Testnet released next week. It will be sperate from the development environment and will mimic the production application
- The BarnBridge team has been receiving requests from third party aggregators for data so they will be releasing an API which can be scraped for various forms of data.
Governance (2:39–5:07)
- There is currently a snapshot vote for how to go about incentivizing the C.R.E.A.M. and AAVE integrations for SMART Yield that are launching. This will be followed up by a DAO vote shortly.
- C.R.E.A.M should launch next week and AAVE the week after.
- The team believes they have a solution for how to integrate the AAVE governance rewards program into the AAVE Smart Yield protocol. This solution will be discussed at a later date
Smart Exposure/Alpha (5:08- 14:26)
- Smart Exposure is in “full blown development mode”
- There were two audits for SE which found no bugs.
- SE will likely be released soon after the new Smart Yield implementations are done.
- Smart Alpha has no updates and the team has not started the Smart Contract implementation yet
- There is a group, “Gauntlet” , which does sophisticated financial modeling related to risk. The team has heard positive things from their work with AAVE and has had some initial discussion with them. The BarnBridge team is considering working with them for future products, which may benefit from independent review. (11:15–14:26)
- The Coingecko and Coinmarketcap circulating supply metric has been corrected.
- The team has submitted the necessary information to Messari for the BarnBridge profile update.
Website (17:45–20:40)
- The BarnBridge team is aiming to be done with the English version by the end of next week.
- Bounty programs will be implemented for translations into other languages. These will be posted on Gitcoin.
Business Development (20:46- 23:47)
- The BarnBridge team is engaging in calls with traditional finance entities who are curious and trying to understand more about BarnBridge and may be looking to deploy capital into the protocol in the future.
- The BarnBridge team is working with the Chainlink team to leverage some of their price feeds for future products. They are also trying to get a BOND price feed provided by Chainlink. The BOND price feed is important because it is a prerequisite for some potential integrations which would like to leverage BarnBridge.
- The Chainlink team is also helping BarnBridge model and understand aspects of deploying on Matic since they have price feeds there as well.
- BarnBridge has joined the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance and will be onboarded sometime next week.
Layer 2 (24:30- 26:43)
- BarnBridge has been engaging with the Starkware ecosystem. The team believes it is becoming clear that the future will involve multiple Layer 2’s.
- As mentioned earlier the team is working to deploy on Matic and is in frequent contact with the Matic team.
- Smart Yield does not really control its’ own Layer 2 destiny. They are built on top of AAVE, C.R.E.A.M, Compound, etc. and will go wherever they go.
- There will be more Layer 2 autonomy for Smart Exposure and Smart Alpha.
Secondary Markets (30:00–33:15)
- The BarnBridge team is looking into a strategy for developing secondary markets for ERC-20 jTokens and Senior Tranche NFTs, as well as potential future products.
- Liquid secondary markets are extremely important for onboarding larger institutions into the protocol.
- This is part of the rationale for the TVL incentivization programs such as the one for the junior tranche are necessary. TVL provides liquidity which bootstraps secondary market distribution. These liquid secondary markets will then attract more TVL as people know they can exit their positions before the bond has come due, if they desire.