Barn Bridge “Project Call 018” Meeting Minutes
3 min readMay 28, 2021
Today the BarnBridge Team had their Community Call 018. It can be hard to keep up with all the updates and videos of all of your favorite crypto related projects, so I decided to create a brief overview of the call. If you would like more information on one of the topics discussed, I have included timestamps and linked the video below.
Introduction (0:00- 1:04)
Yield Farming and Governance (1:04–2:42)
- The new User Interface for Yield farming has been released.
- The public test net has been released.
- Their API it is still not public. They will be making it public after they create some documents for it.
- Governance proposal for this que period have passed, and will be done in Three (3) days . This includes the CREAM and AAVE integrations as well as deploying funds to seed the Bancor liquidity pool.
Smart Yield, Smart Exposure, and Smart Alpha (2:04- 7:00)
- The team launched the CREAM and AAVE Smart Yield pools. They have been audited and are working as intended.
- The BOND reward for the new Smart Yield pools will start in Three (3) days. They expect TVL will increase once this goes live.
- The team is almost finished with the AAVE on Polygon integration for Smart Yield. They are just finishing up the front end.
- The team is on the final steps for releasing Smart Exposure.
- They will also be releasing this feature on polygon soon after its’ main net launch. This will mean that Smart Exposure and Smart Yield will be going live on Polygon at roughly the same time.
- There is no update on Smart Alpha
- The team is looking into a lot of third party integrations.
- The team is looking into other Layer 2’s to deploy on. Arbitrum is the next likely candidate. Tyler believes the whole industry will be looking at Arbitrum soon. One of the founders of the three integrations, that BarnBridge is integrated with, will be deploying on Arbitrum.
Operations (7:40- 13:30)
- The English version of the website is done. They are finishing up the deployment right now. It will be deployed either today (5/27) or tomorrow (5/28).
- Messari has the updated information regarding recent events and the roadmap for BarnBridge.
- The developer documents have been created and will be released on Gitbook in the next few days
- The team has sponsored a Chainlink price feed for BOND/ETH and BOND/USD. These have been launched with the BOND/ETH price feed on Ethereum main net and BOND/USD feed on Polygon. This opens up opportunities for integrations with other products and teams which needed these feeds in order to start integrations.
- The team is trying to get BOND approved on CREAM finance for borrowing. Currently it is only possible to lend
- The team is working with Mia finance, which is currently deployed on polygon. They are trying to get a proposal approved which will allow and their users to mint synthetic tokens against BOND tokens. This works similar to minting Dai against ETH in the MakerDao ecosystem.
- With the recent vote passing, 50k BOND will be deposited into the BOND pool on Bancor. This will hopefully create an impact so that the teams can discuss whether it is possible to get BNT liquidity mining rewards for that pool in the future.
- Tyler has been talking to Stani (from AAVE) and Santiago (from ParaFi), in order to get AAVE liquidity mining rewards for BOND. They have not decided on a time for this proposal, but potentially in two weeks.
Insurance (13:40- 17:40)
- Nexus is looking to whitelist BarnBridge next week.
- Bridge Mutual is going live in June and the team will be looking for opportunities there as well.
- There are opportunities with off-chain insurance contracts coming in the future. This is important because having off-chain insurance is a pre-requisite for TradFi to come into the market.