Barn Bridge “Project Call 019” Meeting Minutes

Crypto Swim
4 min readJun 19, 2021


Last week the BarnBridge Team had their Community Call 019. It can be hard to keep up with all the updates and videos of all of your favorite crypto related projects, so I decided to create a brief overview of the call. If you would like more information on one of the topics discussed, I have included timestamps and linked the video below.

Introduction/ Introducing Christian (0:00–1:10)

Smart Yield (1:10–3:18)

  • Smart Yield —SY is in the final stages of being deployed on Polygon. The team is finishing up tests involving moving assets back and forth between chains. Their will be another announcement regarding a collaboration with Polygon in the near future.
  • There are two new potential partnerships for Smart Yield that were previously unannounced. There will be more information on this in the future.
  • Gnosis safe integration is almost complete. This will be true for the entire app including Smart Yield, Governance, and Yield Farming.
  • There will be a new product that is complementary to Smart Yield. It will help bring Senior Tranche users.

Smart Exposure (3:18–3:46)

  • The Smart Exposure app is 90% finished.
  • It will come with a polygon app soon after the mainnet release.

Smart Alpha and the future (3:46–6:20)

  • Started working on the Smart Contract. UI work will start next week. It will likely be a while before it is ready for main net release.
  • After Smart Alpha has been finished the team will start working on the next project. They have lots of ideas in the pipeline for what could be developed next, but which product they start working on will be dependent on how the DeFi market develops.

Operations (6:45- 8:25)

  • The website’s dark mode is 95% ready.
  • The Discord FAQ bot has been updated. This will include community questions such as, “what is pavlo’s loop”.
  • A new marketing strategy is being deployed in order to push out more and more content. This will include and updated newsletter.
  • The team has submitted new documentations to the DeFi safety team and increased score is anticipated in the near future.

AAVE V2 Market (10:33–11:26)

  • Last week ParaFi Capital put up a proposal to have BOND listed as collateral on AAVE. Please set up an AAVE governance account and vote here.

Bancor Pool (11:27–14:00)

  • The team is considering a follow up deposit to the BOND/BNT pool in Bancor. This would top off the pool and open up the ability for liquidity mining rewards to be earned from the pool in the future. If this were to happen the APY would be estimated at 40–60%. The team has talked to various BNT whales who have shown support for this idea.

Rari Capital (14:05–15:30)

  • Rari asked the BarnBridge team if they would be interested in a Fuse Pool for BOND or other BarnBridge products. It may potentially be interesting to see if a Fuse Pool could be done for either the Junior or Senior Smart Yield Tranche’s. Join that discussion here.

Nexus Mutual (15:30–17:10)

  • The community should expect a proposal for bootstrapping the Nexus Mutual insurance for BOND soon. This may take the form of Shield Mining. This involves BOND rewards being rewarded to incentivize Nexus Mutual holders to provide insurance for BOND. Another option is for the BarnBridge DAO to take out an insurance policy on Smart Yield contributions made in the future.
  • There is a 2.6% base rate for Nexus Mutual insurance. This may make it difficult to take out insurance on something like the Senior Tranche. This is a place where shield mining could be an indirect subsidy for Senior Tranche contributors.

Additional Miscellaneous Updates (17:30-)

  • The team thinks that in the future Onsen will be set up for Junior Tranche secondary market.
  • The team is not sure when BridgeMutual will go live, but they are confident that they will support coverage for BarnBridge.
  • Risk Harbor will be launching their insurance product next week. This is significant because they wrote special parameters as where they can insure specific things about NFTs. They went through BarnBridge’s architecture and how it works and will possibly be creating proper pricing and insurance for the Senior Tranche.
  • Tyler has been talking to Stani since he tweeted about NFT’s coming to AAVE. The AAVE team started looking into the BarnBridge Architecture and seem to believe the Senior Tranche would be a good fit for this feature. It is unlikely to be launched in their v1 of NFT’s, because they will start with a simplistic approach, but they seem to be excited about the potential going forward.

Questions from the Community (22:08–15:30)

Question — How will the Matic tokens be claimed in the AAVE Polygon Market, embedded in the yield or claimed separately?

Bogdan- it will be claimed separately. It will be on Aave… the way we stake Aave now will be the same for when it’s on Matic.

You will need to stake your Junior tokens.



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